Android: Netrunner

Android: Netrunner

Call out, location illustrations made for Android: Netrunner, a board and card game from Fantasy Flight Games. The map of New Angeles was made for the book.

More information can be found here! 

Game board location call outs:

Elizas Toybox

Wyld Side

The Order of Sol

Melange Mining Co

The Castle Club

Broadcast Square

Haas Biorid Manufacturing

Eastside Tenements

City Hall

Starlight Crusade

Humanity Labor

Monroe & Associates

Jinteki Headquarters

Memories of Green


The Levy Mansion

New Angeles city map, with close-ups:

New Angeles City Map

New Angeles - Close up

New Angeles - Close up

New Angeles - Close up

New Angeles - Close up

New Angeles - Close up

New Angeles - Close up

All images on this project...

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